Henderson Garage Door Spares - WS Garage Door Spares

Here at WS Garage Door Spares, we stock and supply a huge range of spare parts for Henderson garage doors.
Henderson stopped making garage doors in 2010, but we have you covered with compatible parts to suit many models of Henderson garage door. Henderson was a very popular manufacturer of garage doors and there are many older doors still in use around the United Kingdom. So whether a cable has snapped on your garage door, your garage door springs have lost tension, or you have lost the keys to your lock or handle, we'll have the spare part you need to repair your garage door.
We have spares available for many models of Henderson garage door, including Merlin, Doric, Pre-Premier and Ultra garage door gears. This covers both canopy-style and retractable garage door.
Henderson Pre-Premier doors were a single-width canopy style door (the door protrudes by around a third of its height when fully open). This door can be distiguished from the later Premier model by the looped ends of the garage door cables. The doors had a single torsion spring running across the top of the door. Below you will see the spare parts available for this type of garage door.
Henderson Premier canopy doors were manufactured post-1992 up until 2010 when Henderson stopped manufacturing garage doors. Similar in many respects to the earlier Pre-Premier doors, which also had a single torsion spring running across the top of the door. The Premier model of door can be identified by the 'stop' ends of the garage door cables.
Later models were supplied with modern 'anti-drop' mechanisms, which prevented the door from slamming shut should the cables snap. Below are the list of spare parts available to repair this type of garage door.
Henderson Ultra gear was an early model-type suppled by PC Henderson. The springs on this model of door were quite unique in that the spring adjuster was screwed into the top end of the spring, rather than the more common method of hooking onto the bottom of the garage door spring. The available spare parts for this door are shown below.
The Henderson Dolphin range of doors were a very popular range of both single-width and double-width lightweight aluminium doors with side springs. The springs were colour coded to denote their strength, with yellow springs being used on small single garage doors, grey used more commonly on both single-width and some smaller double-width doors, and finally green dolphin springs used on most 14ft wide double doors. Repair your garage door with the below range of spare parts.
The Henderson Premier retractable doors were the later range of fully retractable garage doors manufactured by Henderson. They can be identified by the multi-spring setup, comprising of a cluster of 3 springs on either side of the garage door. Get your garage door back in working order with the below garage door spares.